An over 50 years’ experience in stand fitting
The high qualification, the flexibility in planning and realizing customized parts, the speed in accepting and satisfying client’s requirements represent the quality that customers recognise to us in entrust the management for making customized realizations, from the small booth until tailor-made solution.
The experience linked with deep knowledge and expertise in presentation of products and communication, considering also the logistical and bureaucratic aspect of fairs, allows us to guarantee to our customers a complete support from the design to the planning, until the assembly and the delivery of the stand.
We can flank the customer in all phases: conception, designing, production and placement, working in the best way in all Italian and the main foreign fairs.
Modular solutions: a wide range of suggests and products
Our current solutions, born from the 80s modular systems, allow us to use the high modularity to create an interesting appearance. We can do this without renouncing the possibility of re-using structure more than once.
Over the Domino aluminium modular system, designed and produced by us, we can suggest modular solutions based in Aluvision’s and Sodem System’s products. A service of European partners to recommend the most innovative products.
The internal production allows us to propose custom-made structures realized for the necessity of the customer.